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Moringa Moringa

Product Description

Moringa is a superfood derived from the Moringa Oleifera leaf. It is a source of antioxidants and naturally occurring phytonutrients.**

Moringa is known as the miracle plant. This nutrient dense food is rich in vitamins A, B, C & the minerals iron & potassium. It is a complete protein source containing essential amino acids as well as coenzymes and antioxidants. Moringa can be a healthy addition to any diet and may contribute to overall health.**

Moringa es un superalimento derivado de la hoja de Moringa Oleifera. Es una fuente de antioxidantes y fitonutrientes naturales. **

Moringa es conocida como la planta milagrosa. Este alimento rico en nutrientes es rico en vitaminas A, B, C y los minerales hierro y potasio. Es una fuente de protei­na completa que contiene aminoacidos esenciales. **

**These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.